Unit 1
- Count beyond 100
- Start with any number less than 120 and count forward
- Write a numeral to name numbers to 1,000
- Understand place value to 99
- Use properties of addition and subtraction (commutative, associative, identity, inverse operations)
- Use place value and properties to add and subtract within 100
Unit 2
- Skip count by twos, fives, and tens
- Mentally add or subtract 10 from any two-digit number
- Add and subtract multiples of 10
- Show or write problems involving addition and subtraction
- Solve problems (including word problems) involving addition and subtraction
- Add and subtract within 20
Unit 3
- Create and work with addition and subtraction equations
- Find missing numbers in equations
- Compare and describe attributes of shapes
- Distinguish between different attributes of shapes
- Build and draw shapes with specific attributes (such as three sides)
- Draw or create and name two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, circles, triangles, and half circles)
Unit 4
- Draw or create and name three-dimensional shapes (cubes, cones, and rectangular prisms)
- Compose two-dimensional shapes from other shapes
- Divide circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, using the words half and quarter
- Measure and express length by repeated same-length units
- Put three or more objects in order by length
- Tell and write time in hours and half hours
- Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories on tables and simple graphs
- Compare number of points or items in different categories