Unit 1
- Know that a final e teams up with a common vowel to make long vowel sounds
- Know sounds for two letters that represent one sound
- Break words into syllables to help with reading
- Read words with inflectional endings
- Use phonics and word analysis skills to read unknown words
- Know and use various text features (table of contents, index, glossary, headings)
- Explain major differences between texts that tell stories and those that give information
- Retell stories, relating central ideas and key details
- Describe main ideas, arguments, or points in informational text
Unit 2
- Ask and answer questions about key details in a story or other text
- Describe characters, settings, and events in a story
- Describe connections between ideas, events, information, or people in a text
- Connect information to past knowledge about the topic
- Make predictions about what will happen next in a story
- Identify who is telling a story at various points in the story
- Ask and answer questions to learn or clarify meaning of words and phrases used in the text
- Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that appeal to senses
- Describe how illustrations connect to a story or informational text
Unit 3
- Identify author’s purpose and discuss ways the text accomplishes the purpose
- Compare and contrast adventures, experiences, settings, characters, within a story or in different stories
- Identify similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic
- Use texts to find information and answer questions following a step-by-step inquiry process
- Take part in shared research and writing projects, gathering information for a specific purpose
- Demonstrate the ability to discuss, clarify, summarize, and evaluate information gained during research
- Read grade-level texts with accuracy, fluency, and sufficient understanding
- Determine or clarify meanings of unknown words and phrases and multiple-meaning words from grade-level content
- Use clues within the sentence to decide the meaning of a word or phrase
Unit 4
- Use knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots to decode words
- Create new words from base words
- With help, show understanding of figurative language
- Sort words into categories
- Identify real-life connections between words and their use
- Distinguish shades of meaning among words with similar meanings
- Choose the right word for a particular context
- Use words and phrases gained through reading, conversing, listening,
- Show understanding of features of sentences and paragraphs
- Identify, understand, and use compound words