Science - Biology
Unit 1
- Origins of life
- Growth and development of organisms
- Ecological relationships
- Cycles of matter and energy flow in organisms and systems
- Plant structures and functions
- Plant processes (photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration)
- Plant behaviors
Unit 2
- Animal structures and functions
- Animal behaviors, including social and group behavior
- Cell structure and function
- One-cell and multicellular organisms
- Cell physiology
- Cell chemistry
- Diffusion and osmosis
Unit 3
- Mitosis
- Interdependent relationships in ecosystems
- Ecosystem dynamics, functioning, and resilience
- Cycles of matter and energy transfer in organisms in ecosystems
- Solar energy in ecosystems
- Human interactions with the environment
- Biodiversity and humans
Unit 4
- Environmental problems and solutions
- Human body structure, function, and systems
- Homeostasis and feedback systems
- Immune responses
- Human reproduction and development
- Genetics
- Natural selection and adaptation
- Biotechnology and bioethics