Recognize descriptions of people and pastime preferences as found in culturally authentic oral and written texts.
Ask memorized questions related to physical characteristics, personality qualities, age, and pastime activities using digital tools.
Answer simple questions related to physical characteristics, personality qualities, age, and pastime activities using digital tools.
Use correct sentence structure when making statements vs. asking questions.
Describe self and others using oral or written text.
Retell highlights from a culturally authentic children’s text (oral or written) that includes physical characteristics, personality qualities, pastime activities, and likes and dislikes.
Identify culturally specific pastime activities.
Ask and respond to questions about physical characteristics to describe themselves.
Express likes and dislikes
Unit 2
Recognize familiar school vocabulary as found in culturally authentic video clips from the target culture.
Demonstrate understanding of commands related to school routine.
Identify information related to class schedules and school activities as found in culturally authentic electronic information sources and other written texts.
Ask memorized questions related to school life by interacting with classmates and members of the target culture using digital tools and face-to-face communication.
Answer simple questions related to school life by interacting with classmates and members of the target culture using digital tools and face-to-face communication.
Inquire about preferences related to school.
Respond to questions about preferences related to school.
Compare school life in the home and target culture(s).
Indicate location using prepositional phrases.
Unit 3
Describe their emotional state/condition using estar with adjectives.
Identify main idea of an authentic text dealing with food products and practices.
Demonstrate comprehension of a series of oral and written directions as related to food products and practices.
Recognize and use common gestures and cultural practices associated with food.
Ask memorized questions related to food preferences, products, and practices.
Answer simple questions related to food preferences, products, and practices.
Engage in an unrehearsed conversation to order a meal.
Present information related to food preferences, products, and practices in the target culture based on information found in age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials.
Identify and describe family members
Unit 4
Identify household chores found in authentic materials from an electronic information source and other sources.
Identify furniture and items in the home as found in videos of home tours from authentic electronic sources, advertisements for homes on the market, and/or written articles on homes and chores.
Ask memorized questions related to homes (rooms, descriptions of one’s home, items in a home, furniture, and chores) using digital tools.
Respond to simple questions related to homes (rooms, descriptions of one’s home, items in a home, furniture, and chores) using digital tools.
Use memorized language to express preferences related to the division of household chores.
Compare homes in the target and home cultures.Compare common household chores in the home culture with common chores in the target culture.
Create a tour of a home from the target culture.Create multimedia rich visual representation of one’s home or a home representative of the home culture.
Retell highlights from an authentic video or simple written text that includes description of the home and its contents.