Foreign Language Level 4
Unit 1
- Discuss social networking and related topics such as internet safety and privacy.
- Identify types of social networks in target culture as found in culturally authentic video/audio/written texts.
- Identify and discuss education systems in areas of the Spanish-speaking world.
- Identify, describe and discuss careers and professions.
- Ask and answer questions related to social networking preferences.
- Ask and answer questions related to education systems in the home and target cultures.
Unit 2
- Make recommendations and suggestions about preparing for college.
- Express likes, dislikes, and preferences related to social media and careers.
- Express emotions about topics of social media and careers.
- Express doubts or denial about careers and secondary education.
- Create a social media page outlining possible career and educational interests.
- Discuss family structure and related topics such as family relationships.
Unit 3
- Identify types of families in target culture as found in culturally authentic video/audio/written texts.
- Identify, describe and discuss family values and traditions.
- Ask and answer questions related to family in the home and target cultures.
- Discuss and define beauty and related topics such as visual and scenic art, fashion, music and literature.
- Identify types of art in target culture as found in culturally authentic video/audio/written texts.
- Identify, describe and discuss art.
Unit 4
- Ask and answer questions related to beauty.
- Express likes, dislikes, and preferences related to beauty and art.
- Discuss topics relating to human rights, social justice and identity.
- Identify notable heroes and historical figures in the target culture as found in culturally authentic video/audio/written texts.
- Compare and contrast notable heroes in the home and target cultures.