English Language
Unit 1
- Use legible printing skills
- Correctly use collective nouns, regular and irregular plural nouns, reflexive pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs
- Produce complete simple and compound sentences
- Capitalize names, including holidays, product names, and geographic names
- Use end punctuation, commas, and apostrophes
Unit 2
- Use of beginning dictionaries and other reference materials
- Correctly use the English language when speaking, reading, or writing
- Know when to use formal and informal English
- Read grade-level texts with purpose and understanding
- Orally read grade-level texts with accuracy, expression, and appropriate rate
Unit 3
- Express ideas and feelings clearly
- Speak clearly and audibly in sensible sentences
- Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details
- Add illustrations, graphics, or other visual components) to a speech to clarify ideas, feelings, and thoughts
- Give and follow simple two-step directions
Unit 4
- Participate in conversations with diverse partners and groups
- Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions
- Listen to and respond to others with focus and care
- Ask and answer questions about key details in a text or in an oral presentation
- Tell an experience with appropriate facts, relevant details
- Create audio recordings of stories or poems