Unit 1
- Native American tribes in various regions of North America
- Impact of European immigrants on Native American life
- Reasons people came to America and the United States throughout history
- Importance of Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty
- Current and continuing immigration to the United States
Unit 2
- Cultural influences and contributions of immigrants
- Terms and measures of time sequence
- Origins and significance of community, state, and national landmarks
- Sequencing events and using time period designations
- Using vocabulary related to chronology Key people, events, and developments in own community and region
Unit 3
- People in the past who have influenced community developments
- Comparison of local history to other communities or region
- Settling of people–why and where
- Time periods (decades, centuries, millennia)
- Creating and interpreting timelines for past and present events
Unit 4
- Key historical figures and their contributions to U.S. history
- Major inventions and their effects
- State and Local history and people
- Effects of science and technology through history