Unit 1
- Identify main topic, idea, or argument in grade-level text
- Show understanding of key details in a text
- Find evidence in the text to support the author’s message or reader’s responses
- Retell stories including tales from diverse cultures
Unit 2
- Describe main message, lesson, or moral from stories or other texts
- Describe actions and responses of characters in a story
- Determine meanings of words or phrases relevant to the topic
- Describe effects and uses of words and phrases in passages
Unit 3
- Describe overall structure of a passage and its effect on the message
- Find connections between a series of events, ideas, concepts, or steps in a text
- Identify differences in points of view of characters
- Explain how visual images and graphics contribute to and clarify a text
Unit 4
- Compare and contrast different versions of the same story or texts on the same topic
- Use texts to find information and answer questions following a step-by-step inquiry process
- Take part in shared research and writing projects, gathering information for a specific purpose
- Demonstrate the ability to discuss, clarify, and summarize
- Confirm and self-correct words during oral reading