Unit 1
- Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (2⁄5 + 7⁄3 = 6⁄15 + 35⁄15 = 41⁄15)
- Solve word problems with addition and subtraction of fractions or mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators
- Create models or equations to represent problems with fractions
- Understand a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator
- Solve word problems dividing whole numbers leading to fraction or mixed number answers
- Multiply a fraction by a whole number or a whole number by a fraction
- Find areas of rectangles with fractional sides by modeling with unit squares
- Interpret multiplication as scaling (resizing)
- Explain results of multiplying a number by a fraction greater or less than 1
- Use all operations to solve world problems with fractions and mixed numbers
Unit 2
- Compute and explain division of a fraction by a whole number
- Compute and explain division of a whole number by unit fraction
- Divide unit fractions by non-zero whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions
- Write and interpret numerical expressions
- Evaluate simple expressions
- Analyze patterns and relationships
- Expand a whole number (2-50) as a product of its prime factors
- Analyze patterns and relationships given two rules
- Understand the coordinate system and the meanings of the origin, x-axis, x-coordinate, y-axis, and y-coordinate
- Graph points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems
Unit 3
- Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties
- Classify two-dimensional figures into a hierarchy
- Understand that each place in a number represents 10 times the place to right and one-tenth of the place to the left
- Know patterns of zeros when multiplying or dividing a number by powers of 10
- Use exponents to show powers of 10
- Read, write, and compare decimals to the thousandths place
- Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers
- Perform operations with decimals to hundredths
- Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system
- Use measurement conversions in solving real world problems
Unit 4
- Use a line plot to display a data set of unit fraction measurements
- Use operations of fractions to solve problems from displayed data
- Understand concepts of volume and measuring of volume
- Relate volume to multiplication and to addition
- Define and describe a cubic unit
- Use standard or improvised unit cubes to measure volume
- Find volume of rectangular prisms by packing the prism with unit cubes
- Know and apply formulas for the volume of right rectangular prisms
- Solve real world problems involving volume
- Find volumes of solid figures that are composed of two non-overlapping right rectangular prisms