Create and perform dance movements, individually and with a partner
Understand the physical processes and discipline associated with dance
Identify melody, rhythm, harmony, and timbre in musical selections
Respond to sounds and sound patterns with body movements
Compose, improvise, and perform basic musical patterns
Listen to, describe, and respond to a variety of music
Unit 2
Read and write patterns with musical notes and rhythmic notation
Read, write, and perform diatonic scales
Identify some common musical instruments by sight and sound
Identify and sing a variety of kinds of music and musical forms
Improvise dramatizations of stories or ideas
Take part in writing scripts, designing sets, and performing group dramas
Create costumes and props for a performance
Unit 3
Observe patterns in nature and works of art
Identify and describe elements in works of visual art (line, color, texture, shapes/form, space, value [color], etc.)
Create original works of visual art in various media and dimensions
Express observations, ideas, or feelings through music, drama, or visual art
Identify and discuss some well-known works of dance, drama, music, or visual arts and some artists, actors, writers, musicians, choreographers, or composers
Describe and analyze a variety of works of art according to their elements
Apply evaluative skills to movies and video
Unit 4
Learn and use vocabulary of dance, music, drama, and visual arts
Describe techniques for a given form of art
Compare and contrast two works of art
Identify purposes, effects, influences, and historical contributions of art
Understand how culture affects art and how art reflects culture
Demonstrate appropriate audience skills for live artistic performances