Unit 1
- Apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in reading unfamiliar words
- Read grade-level texts with purpose and understanding
- Orally read grade-level texts with accuracy, expression, and appropriate rate
- Confirm and self-correct words during oral reading
- Identify main topics, ideas, or arguments in grade-level text
Unit 2
- Explain how details in the text support main ideas
- Identify evidence in the text to support the author’s message or reader’s responses
- Describe theme of a literary text
- Summarize literary and informational or explanatory texts
- Compare and contrast characters, settings, events, or ideas from a text
Unit 3
- Determine meanings and effects of words or phrases as used in a text
- Describe overall structure of a passage and its effect on the message
- Describe how chapters, sections, scenes, or stanzas fit together in a text
- Use features in the text and search tools to locate relevant information
- Explain connections between people, events, ideas, concepts, or steps in a text
Unit 4
- Describe how a narrator’s or writer’s point of view influences the text
- Explain how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning and tone
- Compare, contrast, and analyze texts in the same genre or on the same topic
- Find and integrate information from multiple sources to answer a question or solve a problem