English Language
Unit 1
- Participate in collaborative discussions on a variety of grade-level topics
- Follow agreed-upon rules and preparation procedures for discussions
- Listen and respond to others with focus and care
- Interpret information presented in many media and formats
- Identify an argument, claims, and evidence presented by a speaker
- Present claims or information in logical sequence supported with relevant facts and details
Unit 2
- Use clear diction, appropriate eye contact, and adequate volume when speaking
- Add multimedia and visual components to clarify ideas in presentations
- Show command of formal English language when speaking for a variety of tasks
- Recognize and follow proper usage of pronouns; correct improper usage
- Form, recognize, and use various verb tenses and appropriate shifts in verb tense
- Correctly use conventions of English when writing (capitalization, punctuation, and spelling)
Unit 3
- Vary sentence patterns for meaning, interest, and style when writing; avoid passive constructions
- Maintain consistency in style and tone when writing
- Know the difference between formal and informal English and when to use each
- Use context clues to determine word and phrase meanings
- Use word structure clues to determine meanings of unknown words
- Use relationships between words to better understand each word
Unit 4
- Use references (print and digital) to determine or verify a word’s meanings, find its pronunciation or its part of speech
- Interpret and use figurative language (similes, metaphors, idioms, adages, proverbs, etc.) and nuances in words
- Distinguish literal and nonliteral meanings of words in context
- Distinguish shades of meaning among related words
- Distinguish among connotations of words with similar denotations
- Learn and use grade-level general academic vocabulary